Thursday, January 9, 2014

Updating SP firmware

Updating SP firmware

If your storage system includes a Service Processor (SP), you must verify that it is running the correct firmware version and update the firmware if it is not the correct version.

Before you begin

The reversion or downgrade process should be complete and the storage system should be running the target release.

About this task

Data ONTAP software images include firmware for SP modules. If the firmware version on your SP module is outdated, you must update it before returning the reverted or downgraded system to production status.


  1. Go to the system firmware information on the NetApp Support Site and determine the most recent firmware version for your SP module.
  2. Enter the following command at the storage system CLI to determine the SP firmware version:
    sp status
    You see output similar to the following:
    Service Processor Status: Online
    Firmware Version:   1.2
    If the SP firmware version in the command output is earlier than the most recent version on the NetApp Support Site, you must update your disk shelf firmware manually.
  3. Click the link to download the file from the NetApp Support Site to your HTTP server.
  4. At the storage system prompt, enter the following command:
    software update http://web_server/ -f
  5. When the software update command is finished, enter the following command at the storage system prompt:
    sp update
  6. When the system prompts you to update the SP, enter y to continue.
    The SP is updated and you are prompted to reboot the SP. Wait approximately 60 seconds to allow the SP to reboot.
  7. Verify that the SP firmware has been updated by entering the following command:
    sp status
  8. If the system is a partner in an HA pair, repeat Steps 4 through 7 on the partner system.


If your console connection is not through the SP, the connection remains active during the SP reboot.
If your console connection is through the SP, you lose your console connection to the storage system. In approximately one minute, the SP reboots and automatically reestablishes the connection.

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